Golden Gate Marin Headlands

A trip to the Golden Gate bridge with Bill and Shay and family

En udflugt til Golden Gate broen med Bill og Shay og familien

Golden Gate bridge

Golden Gate bridge

Golden Gate bridge

Rebecca and Morgan at the Golden Gate bridge

Rebecca and Morgan at the Golden Gate bridge; Shay off in the corner

Shay and Beth at Marin Headlands with Golden Gate bridge

Shay and Beth at Marin Headlands with Golden Gate bridge

Beth, Bill, Monica and Shay at Marin Headlands

Rachel, Monica, Rebecca and Morgan at the Golden Gate bridge

Rachel, Monica, Rebecca and Morgan at the Golden Gate bridge

Monica, Beth, Oluf and Rebecca at the Golden Gate bridge


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Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)